Wednesday 3 April 2013

2. Positive and Negative impacts of Stalin's Rule

1.Women's entry into the workforce:
The Soviet constitution, as well as the international communist movement, guaranteed equal rights to women.After the October Revolution,Russia legalised abortion and divorce so that women could have more control over their own lives without inter fence from their husbands.Stalin's industrialisation efforts encouraged women to enter the workforce and become productive members of the economy.State-run childcare centres were built to work in the factories.

2.Healthcare,education and sanitation for people:
To ensure that people were well to work,Stalin ensured his workers were given proper healthcare and tired to educate them to increase the production rate as he wanted good work which was carried out efficiently,he ensured that his people were taken good care of.

Source: Textbook Pg57 and

Negative Impact on Collectivisation

Stalin wanted to secure food supply for factory workers but this cause famine. Severe food shortages ocured because the farmers burnt their crops and grew less food rather than send the crops to the communist officers . This led up to 7 million people to died of starvation. Most of the people decided to kill their own animals rather than handing them to the state ,because the farmers only can sell a low price to the state.

Negative Impact on Rapid Industrialisation

The Five-Year Plans was to produce equipments for mechanisation of farming such as tractors. Fewer farm workers would be needed and they can go to the cities to become factory workers, so more crops and grain will be produce but this causes some parts of the economy to face underproduction because factories were lack of materials and other factories overproduced to exceed the target. This resulted in a great deal of wastage as some parts were overproduced.

Source : Textbook and Notes.

Done and Edited by Trina and WeiMing.


-The 2 Collectivisation pictures on question one:
-The picture example of 'The Great Terror':
- Stalin's propaganda:
-The background of the blog[Stalin's Signature]
-The information on question one: Textbook page 45-51

Information of question 2 taken from : Textbook , Notes and

Pictures taken from : Google.

Project Reflections

Xuanlin's reflection: The advantages of working on this project is that i get to understand and learn more about Stalin's rule in Russia, and i also get to learn more than what was being taught by the teacher. The problem was that my group members and I were not able to meet up and do the project as a whole group. But we still managed to complete this project as a team, as we split the workload and communicated via Whats app. I have learnt to preserver as i did my part of the project, it was difficult to do it on my own but i managed to come up with the whole post of question 1 on my own with the help of the textbook and the internet.

Trina's Reflection : This project let me understand more about Stalin's rule , the positive and negative impact on Collectivisation , Rapid Industralization , Purges and Propaganda .How were the life under Stalin's rule in Russia. This were the advantages of working on this assignment . The problem my group encountered is that we can't meet up due to cca and busy . So we separate the questions to do , we communicated by whatsapp  . I did the negative impact and some add ons to the first questions . I learnt that even though we can't meet up as a group , we still can communicate on social networks and discuss about it .

Wei Ming reflection: The project let learnt that the rule under Stalin. We could not meet up as they had their own business to attend to, therefore we communicated by WhatsApp.I had difficulties finding the positive rules of Stalin as mostly was negative impact.I felt it was fun even though we couldn't meet up and discuss about it.

Tuesday 2 April 2013

1. Explain the actions taken by Stalin during his rule in Russia.

Collectivisation- Stalin sought to merge small individual farms of the Soviet Union in larger collective farms/Kolkhozy[Russian word for collective farms]. Stain believed that larger units of land could be farmed more efficiently through mechanisation, e.g, the use of tractors. It was completely different from the previous policy which was set by Lenin[The former leader of the Soviet Union]in terms of its aims and measures. 

Rapid industrialisation- In addition to the collective farms, the five year plans sought to rapidly industrailise the Soviet Union. Factories in the cities would produce equipment such as tractors for farming. With such equipment, fewer farmers would be needed to work in farms and they could go into the cities to work as a factory worker. All these measures will mean more crops produced which means there will be enough food to supply to the cities and factories.
[Evaluation of the Five-Year Plans: Despite the Great Famine and many other problems, was still perceived as a success.]

Political Impact:By 1933, the Communist Party was extremely unpopular and the Russian society became very unstable. The FORCED Collectivisation, LOW wages[Low pay] and HARSH TREATMENT during the Rapid industrialisation STRAINED the relationship between the party and the people.

The Great Terror- In order to regain his power and enforce party discipline, Stalin created a series of campaigns of political  repression and PURGES to ELIMINATE his enemies, and REMOVE any domestic opposition to the Soviet government between 1934-1938[4 years].

Purges and show trials- Russians were forced to confess to crimes they did not commit, after being tortured or having their loved ones threatened. Stalin did not trust the Red Army because of Trotsky's[Former head of the Red Army] strong connections with the army. But Stalin needed a army that is only loyal to him, hence, he accused the Red Army officers of treason[the betrayal of a trust or confidence] and they were tortured into confession and shot.

Arrest and interrogation- The secret police arrested, questioned and forced people to inform against their friends and family who voiced opposition towards Stalin. But, in this case anyone could be arrested as an opposer. Peasants, factory workers, teachers, scientists and writers were arrested to prevent them from organising opposition towards Stalin's rule. Many were either killed on the spot or imprisoned in the forced labour camps.

Loss of intellectuals; skilled workers and officers- The mass execution of intellectuals and skilled workers due to the purges greatly affected the strength of the country. The execution of  the numerous skilled workers meant that Stalin's workforce towards industrialisation shrank. And the loss of  administrators affected the quality of the Soviet Civil Service. These  affected the efficiency in managing affairs of the government. The purging of Red Army Officers and commanders meant that there were no experienced military personnel to lead and guide the inexperienced soldiers.

Propaganda; Cult of the leader- Stalin used propaganda to build up his own profile as the rightful successor to Lenin. He claimed to be a father to his people, loyal or intimidated artists praised him in films, books, posters, paintings and musicals. Giving rise to a new style of art called 'Soviet Realism'. All offices, factories and classrooms in the Soviet Union were required to have a picture of him. All these measures boosted his authority and status, both within the party and among the people, as the undisputable leader of the Soviet Union. It also made opposition against his even more impossible.

Fear is also a aspect of a everyday life in Soviet Union under Stalin. The secret police had informers everywhere.People are constantly watched by Stalin's officers . A little of anti Stalin will result in arrest.The peoples were also judged by Stalin's officials . If they were judge poorly , it will be hard for them to apply for housing, jobs or holidays .They can be sent to the labour camps if they stood out for the wrong reason and upset the officials , they can be the next victim of the secret police.